Showing posts with label spine surgery. Show all posts
Showing posts with label spine surgery. Show all posts

Monday, July 11, 2016

Help all who see this is my message!

Help all who see this is my message!

In October 26 I will be in consultation with a doctor in ISTITUTO ORTOPEDICO RIZZOLI in Bologna. In this consultation the doctor will decide whether to hold my scoliosis surgery and prescribe further medical examination for me. I need to collect charitable funds so that I could go to this consultation. It is important for me because it affects my health.

I need your help!

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Only you can SAVE me!

Hi, everyone!

I just created community to search for charitable donations for my spine surgery and my medical examination before surgery.
I look forward to your help, because my condition is getting worse all the time.

And only you can SAVE me.

My community: