Showing posts with label SMAawarenessmonth‬. Show all posts
Showing posts with label SMAawarenessmonth‬. Show all posts

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Help to Artyom!

SMA Awareness Month on the ends. And I want to once again talk about little boy Artyom, he has SMA type 1, and he with his parents lives near me. He always needs a specially adapted for his life. He as all children with SMA waits and hopes that in soon time will created drug from SMA and it will receive all the children and people with SMA. We all believe in it.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016

My fight with SMA

Now comes the month August awareness of SMA. But for me it is not just August, for me it is an possibility to remember how 29 years ago SMA has changed of my life. I would feel sad and worry on this, but my disease has made me strong and purposeful. In my life there are not many things that I dream, but there is much things that I love. I was able to achieve great things in life, I became well-known artist in all Europe, my artwork appreciate and love all over in the world. And I'm happy because every passing day it is my chance to get closer to my dream. Because drug from SMA has already been found, but only necessary to wait. I know someday I'll win over SMA.

Monday, August 22, 2016

August is SMA Awareness Month

August is SMA Awareness Month. Through research supported by Cure SMA, scientists have discovered SMN2, the SMA “backup gene.” Most of the SMN protein produced by SMN2 lacks a key building block that is normally produced by SMN1, but people with more copies of SMN2 sometimes have a less severe form of SMA than those with fewer copies. Researchers are working to develop drugs that may prompt SMN2 to make more protein.