Tuesday, July 25, 2017

My SMA live

My live is different thing - today it is happy and tomorrow - sad.

But I try to live the good moments of my life and hope for the best: http://s.heyo.com/198fe2?media=8c59868c-fd8e-4694-b32e-0305b4bf3cc2

Friday, July 21, 2017

Rare Artist

Дорогие, друзья! Я участвую в американском конкурсе искусств Rare Artist (Редкий художник), в котором участвуют все взрослые и дети с редкими и серьезными заболеваниями, представляя свои художественные, дизайнерские и фото работы.
Прошу всех вас, проголосуйте за мою фото-работу, перейдя по этой ссылке и поставив баллы в правом нижнем углу под моей работой! Очень вас прошу об этом! http://s.heyo.com/198fe2?media=8c59868c-fd8e-4694-b32e-0305b4bf3cc2

Если моя работа победит, этих денег хватит мне на недельное проживание в Болонье для моего последующего лечения.

Monday, July 17, 2017

Top 5 Reads for Spinal Muscular Atrophy Patients and Caregivers

It is maybe interesting for all with SMA

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a rare neuromuscular disorder that causes a loss of motor neurones and muscle, often causing premature death in patients. Being diagnosed, or being a parent of a child diagnosed with SMA can be daunting. Here’s a list of helpful and informative books for patients, parents and caregivers alike.

1. “Courage is Compulsory” by Tori Elliott, Sam Mildon and Laura Gould

This book shares the stories of real SMA patients. It’s an inspiring read for young people facing similar challenges and a source of comfort for family members of someone facing a short lifespan.

2. “Spinal Muscular Atrophy – Disease Mechanisms and Therapy” by Sumner, Paushkin & Ko

This comprehensive reference covers recent advances in SMA research as well as an overview of disease mechanisms, pathology, standards of care, and therapeutic development. Written by experts on the disease, this book is a recommended read for both patients and caregivers who want to come to grips with the mechanisms of the disorder.

3. “SMA Type 2 and Me” by SMA Support UK

This book is aimed a children suffering from SMA. Explaining a disease like SMA to a child can be difficult, so this is a helpful source to help explain the situation both to the child and their friends.

4. “SMA Type 3 and Me” by SMA Support UK

Again, a book aimed at children to help explain the nature of the disease, what is happening and what is going to happen. Aimed at a children aged 8 and over, but could also be used to read to younger children.

5. “Curious George Goes to the Hospital” by H. A. Rey and Margret Rey

A fun story to make SMA seem less intimidating for children diagnosed with the disease. A bright, lively, illustrated story about George the monkey and his journey to the hospital.

Text from: https://smanewstoday.com/2017/07/17/top-5-reads-spinal-muscular-atrophy-patients-caregivers/2/

Friday, July 7, 2017

Spinraza Timeline

So has been evolution of new drug for SMA. I hope that this was happy and hope for many people with SMA.

Image from: