Showing posts with label Affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy. Show all posts

Thursday, February 28, 2019

Today is Rare Disease Day

Today is Rare Disease Day! I have too rare disease - Spinal Muscular Atrophy and I member about all my friend with this disease, I member about my friends who passed away from this hard disease and I go on my fight with SMA.

If you want helping me you can to buy my art fashion print in my online shop

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

My SMA live

My live is different thing - today it is happy and tomorrow - sad.

But I try to live the good moments of my life and hope for the best:

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Plans for treatment in Bologna

I did not write here for several days because I had a cold, I had fever and sore throat. But today I feel better and can write the results of my trip to Bologna and talk about plans for the future.

In the clinic I got a full medical examination, it showed that I was in good physical condition. I underwent nocturnal oximetry (measurement of oxygen in the lungs) and the result was very good, and also good spirometry and echocardiography. I got a recommendation on how to use the cough machine correctly and now I'm training the lungs with this device every day.

Now I will talk about future plans for treatment. Dr. Villanova said that I must arrive every year to the clinic Nigrisoli for medical examination, this is necessary to support my health and the state of my respiratory system. But for treatment in Bologna I need money for air tickets for there and back way for three people: for me, my mother and my grandmother, because they help me on the trip. I ask to help me again in this! I need 2000 € for buying air tickets for treatment in Bologna which is planned for spring next year. Please tell your friends about this and make a repost of this message.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

In soon I will going to treatment

It remains 4 days before my trip to Bologna for treatment. I'm worried because not all things have been collected and there are no tickets for the train from Milan to Bologna. But I hope everything will be fine.

Friday, April 7, 2017

AveXis’ AVXS-101 Shows Promise in Treating Infants with SMA Type 1

The Phase 1 study (NCT02122952) investigated the effects of AVXS-101 treatment by intravenous injection in 15 infants with SMA type 1 who were six months old or younger. Two doses were compared, the lower dose for Cohort 1 with three patients, and the higher dose for Cohort 2 with 12 patients.

The treatment’s short-term safety was evaluated over a two-year period, but a follow-up safety analysis will be carried out when the last patient reaches 2 years of age post-treatment. Patients will then be monitored annually as per standard of care for up to 15 years.

The endpoints measured were the time from birth to an “event” (death or at least 16 hours of daily ventilation support for 14 consecutive days in the absence of acute reversible illness or perioperatively) and the ability to sit independently, confirmed by video. Researchers also assessed patients with a standard motor milestone development survey and the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia Infant Test of Neuromuscular Disorders (CHOP INTEND).

An interim data analysis, released lasted year, revealed a favorable safety profile with no new treatment-related safety or tolerability concerns identified. Motor skill improvements were also observed, especially in children treated with the higher dose.

As of Jan. 20, 2017, AVXS-101 maintains its safety profile and was well-tolerated by the patients. Indeed, 12 out of 12 patients (100%) who received the highest one-time therapeutic dose of AVXS-101 (Cohort 2) reached 13.6 months of age without events reported. Of note, the expected event-free survival rate for this disease is 25%.

Results also showed that 11 patients (92%) in this cohort achieved head control, nine patients (75%) were able to roll a minimum of 180 degrees from back to both left and right, and 11 patients (92%) could sit without help.

After the treatment, AveXis used three different measures to evaluate unassisted sitting with increasing amounts of time. Results showed that nine of 12 patients (75%) sat unassisted for five seconds, seven (58%) sat for at least 10 seconds, and five patients (42%) sat for 30 seconds or more. Also, two patients could walk independently, besides having achieved other milestones, including standing with support, standing alone, and walking with support.

In addition, as of Jan. 20, 2017, nine of nine patients (three in the low-dose cohort and six in Cohort 2) — reached 20 months without reported events. Here, the expected event-free rate is 8%.

“The completion of our Phase 1 clinical study of AVXS-101, the first ever gene therapy studied for the treatment of SMA type 1, is an exciting and eagerly awaited milestone, and we are quite pleased with these data,” Sean Nolan, AveXis’ president and CEO, said in a news release.

“The past few months have been productive for AveXis, and we look forward to continuing the momentum with several upcoming corporate catalysts … as well as ongoing collaborative discussions with regulatory authorities in the United States and Europe to explore the most expeditious pathways for marketing approval of AVXS-101,” Noland added.

Text from:

Friday, March 31, 2017

About me

For a long time I did not write here, for this there is a reason, last week I had malaise and dizziness. Today I feel good. But I need your help. Urgently needed respiratory treatment in clinic Nigrisoli, Bologna. This treatment needs to be obtained before summer, because my condition worsens in my respiratory system. Only you can help me to have time for this treatment. There is very little time for this. Very few charitable funds have been collected, thanks for that, but this is not enough.

I ask everyone to join the charity event and help raise the right amount for treatment. It is necessary to collect another 2600 €.

My charity account:
VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

Monday, February 13, 2017

My invitation to Italiano-Belarusian Forum

Hi, friends!

Today I want to show my preview of the events that happened to me over the past few months after my trip to Bologna. In early December 2016, I was informed of the Italian Foundation "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" that neurologist Dr. M.Villanova from clinic Nigrisoli gave me a cough machine, to train my breathing. Me and my mother were invited to the Italian-Belarusian Forum which was held in Minsk, at the hotel "Planet". I was very pleased and surprised by this event. The evening of December 8 of us came home chairman of the Italian Fund "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" Signor Luciano Braconi and together we left in a car in Minsk, I was with my mother and grandmother.

On the morning of 9 December, we were invited to the grand opening of the Belarusian-Italian Forum. At the end of the forum my mother was invited to the stage and the Director of the Foundation Fabrizio Pacifici gave me a cough machine, he said it was a gift from Dr. Villanova. My mother told to audience about me and my future treatment in Italy. I was very happy this event.

For two months, every day I use breathing apparatus system cough and I feel improvement.

Watch our video about it.

Text from:

Friday, January 13, 2017

Your donations can save my live

Long time I don't wrote here about my treatment in Italy. Because I have problem with my health few time, I was sick 10 days and also I have new problem - I don't get needed charity donations for my trip in Italy clinic in Bologna.

Lately I have told with neurologist from Bologna and he is said that me need will to visit to clinic in April or May for urgently respiratory treatment. But I haven't financial means for it. It's very sad. I don't want refuse from this treatment, because it's very need for me.

Help me please! Your donations can save my live.

My charity account:


VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

My charity page:

My charity group:

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

I need your help!

My friend Marco Akamawa helped me to Start a Fundraiser charitable collection page on Gofundme for my treatment in Bologna and my scoliosis surgery.

I ask you to do repost this link on your wall, and maybe you can help me find donators in soon time.

Many thanks all! I love you everyone and hope on your support!

Please help!

Today GivingTuesday! I ask your help

Today GivingTuesday! I ask your help. Read my story, please.

My name is Monika Lemeshonok, I am artist and painter from Belarus. From born I have rare disease of the spinal cord - Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type 2. From this disease, I can’t walk and move, I'm in a wheelchair. This disease affects neurons in the upper part of the spinal cord and person gradually loses the ability to move. And with age problem starts with the respiratory system and the spine.
But I love life and around the world. I express my love for life through painting artwork, I have art exhibitions throughout Europe and many art lovers appreciate my works.
But now I very need your help! Now I have problems with health from progression of my disease. I have very strong scoliosis and from it I have pain in my spine every day, from scoliosis I can not to sit a long time. My lungs are highly compressed and hard to breathe. I need surgery to correct scoliosis, but before my surgery I need my medical treatment and improvement of the respiratory system in Italian clinic Nigrisoli (Bologna). I also need noninvasive ventilator for my lungs, because my lungs are now weak and this treatment will improve my condition. This treatment I needed as soon as possible, because it affects my life in the future. I'm asking for your help! This treatment costs 3000 €.

I need 40,000€ total for my treatment and surgery. I ask everyone to help me with my problem. I hope very much for your help. This treatment will improve my life.
My charity account:
VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

Thursday, August 25, 2016

20 Secrets People Affected by Spinal Muscular Atrophy Want Others to Know

Spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) is a disease caused by a mutation in the survival motor neuron gene 1 (SMN1). In a healthy person, this gene produces a protein critical to the function of the nerves that control our muscles. Without it, these nerve cells cannot properly function and eventually die.

There are four types of SMA that range in severity, but all of them cause difficulties with walking, performing the activities of daily life, eating and even breathing. In its most severe form, SMA is the number one genetic cause of death for infants.

There is currently no treatment for SMA, but a number of drugs are being tested in clinical trials, and one of these will soon be presented to the FDA for approval.

This is what they said:

1.“You do not need to be afraid to be around us. We are still the same family we were before the diagnosis, only more fragile. Take precautions; don’t disappear. Ask us questions about our daughter. It does not hurt our feelings. Questions help spread awareness.” — Majerie S.

2.“These children are brilliant and can communicate in fascinating ways. Just because my son can’t move, doesn’t mean he can’t get his point across! He is 2 and tells me what he wants — down to what socks he wants to wear. Learn the way SMA children communicate and you will be blown away by how they can hold a conversation!” — Autumn J.

3. “It’s not the end of the world. I am 28 with SMA type 3 and have been quite successful in life so far as a teacher. Don’t let any disability or label define who you are. There is always another way.” — Megan E.

4. “I would want others to know that caring for someone with SMA is not a burden. It’s not an awful and sad life. We live our life feeling blessed and grateful for each day. My daughter has truly been the biggest blessing in the world.” — Shellie L.

5. “It’s the hardest and most rewarding job at the same time. They are extremely smart and bright. This is my daughter. If anyone can make you smile it’s her.” — Kelsy H.

6. “Living with SMA has taught our little family to learn to love a different kind of ‘normal.’ Yes, our daughters (both with type 2) cannot walk or move around on their own, but they are vibrant and full of life! They teach us every day to enjoy the moment and never limit the possibilities.” — Robin H.

7. “Don’t limit your expectations of what is possible for your child. I used to be surprised when my son or daughter would do something I never expected they’d be able to do. Now I watch and wait to see what they’ll accomplish next, knowing there is no limit to their potential.” — Danielle S.

8. “My wish would be that the new drug that’s supposed to help cure SMA be here sooner then later.” – Melissa D.

9. “Being a caregiver isn’t giving up your time to help a child grow, but taking time to grow alongside the child.” — Chelsea K.

10. “This disease does not define my husband. He is an individual who has spinal muscular atrophy. He is strong, loving, caring, and a wonderful father. SMA is a part of him but it does not define him.” — Adolfo P.

11. “Take time to get to know my son and he’ll steal your heart just like he did mine from that first moment I saw him.” — Chris O.

12. “Caregiver fatigue is real. Self-care isn’t selfish. Keeping active and keeping social is so important in caring for my hubby of 28 years who has SMA type 3.” — Alicia L.

13. ”SMA takes away what dreams I ‘thought’ I had for my son, allowing me to see the dreams that my son has and will achieve.” — Bridget C.

14. “It’s not always visible. Don’t judge. Just because I can’t do something doesn’t mean I don’t want to do it. Don’t think I’m not working as hard as I possibly can to keep the strength that I still have. I won’t give up on myself and no one else should give up on me either!” — Courtney F.

15. “I would want others to know that they do not know the meaning of true happiness until they have met someone with SMA. My son faces many physical limitations, yet he is always happy and smiling, and making others happy as well. It is impossible to be sad around him.” — Renee H.

16. “Don’t worry about breaking our kids. They are pretty tough. Also, parents and caregivers need to take the occasional break!” — Kelsey L.

17. “I have developed an amazing, special bond with my daughter. Even though she is going to be 16 years old, I still can carry her, hold her tight, tickle her and love her.” — Ruthie P.

18. “My beautiful, loving, caring, daughter is 45 years old. She is and will always be the light of my life. She has good days as well as bad, but she just never complains.” — Margaret A.

19. “I am a 19-year-old with SMA. I have moved out of home and am currently attending college at RMIT in Melbourne, Australia. It’s definitely not a death sentence.” — Harrison K.

20. “Even with SMA being a terminal diagnosis, it has taught us more about life then death. It has taught us how to love deeper, forgive quicker and be thankful for each day we are given.” — Brittney M.