Showing posts with label treatment in Italy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label treatment in Italy. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

I need your help!

Dear, friends!
I must tell you the sad news! 😥
Unfortunately I could not collect the necessary amount for a charity account for my trip to the clinic in Bologna. Therefore, my trip is canceled this year. I'm very upset and frustrated from this event because my health is deteriorating and it's difficult for me to breathe periodically. But I have to reschedule my trip for May 2019. I say "Thank you very much!" to those who have already sent part of the charitable funds for my treatment!

NOW I again continue collecting charitable donations for my treatment. This amount includes treatment and procedures at the Nigrisoli clinic, the cost of air tickets (for 3 people, I, my mother and grandmother), the cost of my orthopedic corset and orthopedic pillows-holders for the back for my stroller. The total cost of all this is 2000 euros.
I ask you to help me all of you to make a charitable donation or make a repost!
My charity account: PayPal:

Friday, March 31, 2017

About me

For a long time I did not write here, for this there is a reason, last week I had malaise and dizziness. Today I feel good. But I need your help. Urgently needed respiratory treatment in clinic Nigrisoli, Bologna. This treatment needs to be obtained before summer, because my condition worsens in my respiratory system. Only you can help me to have time for this treatment. There is very little time for this. Very few charitable funds have been collected, thanks for that, but this is not enough.

I ask everyone to join the charity event and help raise the right amount for treatment. It is necessary to collect another 2600 €.

My charity account:
VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

Monday, February 13, 2017

My invitation to Italiano-Belarusian Forum

Hi, friends!

Today I want to show my preview of the events that happened to me over the past few months after my trip to Bologna. In early December 2016, I was informed of the Italian Foundation "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" that neurologist Dr. M.Villanova from clinic Nigrisoli gave me a cough machine, to train my breathing. Me and my mother were invited to the Italian-Belarusian Forum which was held in Minsk, at the hotel "Planet". I was very pleased and surprised by this event. The evening of December 8 of us came home chairman of the Italian Fund "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" Signor Luciano Braconi and together we left in a car in Minsk, I was with my mother and grandmother.

On the morning of 9 December, we were invited to the grand opening of the Belarusian-Italian Forum. At the end of the forum my mother was invited to the stage and the Director of the Foundation Fabrizio Pacifici gave me a cough machine, he said it was a gift from Dr. Villanova. My mother told to audience about me and my future treatment in Italy. I was very happy this event.

For two months, every day I use breathing apparatus system cough and I feel improvement.

Watch our video about it.

Text from:

Friday, January 13, 2017

Your donations can save my live

Long time I don't wrote here about my treatment in Italy. Because I have problem with my health few time, I was sick 10 days and also I have new problem - I don't get needed charity donations for my trip in Italy clinic in Bologna.

Lately I have told with neurologist from Bologna and he is said that me need will to visit to clinic in April or May for urgently respiratory treatment. But I haven't financial means for it. It's very sad. I don't want refuse from this treatment, because it's very need for me.

Help me please! Your donations can save my live.

My charity account:


VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

My charity page:

My charity group: