Showing posts with label clinic Nigrisoli. Show all posts
Showing posts with label clinic Nigrisoli. Show all posts

Friday, August 11, 2017

My SMA story for August

This is my SMA story for August

My name is Monika Lemeshonok, I was born on January 27. 1986 in Belarus, city Mogilev. I was born completely healthy child and like all the children started walking at the age of 1 year, I could stand near the crib and walk when I was hold the hand, I was a very active child. But a few months, my mother began to notice how my legs began to weaken when I rested in a chair. My family showed me to a neurologist in the Minsk hospital. At the age of 1.5 years I was diagnosed with SMA type 2 (Spinal Muscular Atrophy), which was later confirmed by genetic DNA analysis. It is a terrible disease affects nerve cells in the upper part of the spinal cord that results in atrophy of the leg muscles and back and then to the loss of movement completely, the person ceases to walk and move.
But despite my disease and physical difficulties from him since childhood, my mother told me that you need to believe in miracles, live and enjoy life. And I've always believed that in one day will happen miracle and I will cure and be able to walk.
I have always admired the world and from an early age loved to draw. At first I was drawing pencils and pens cartoons heroes and then I liked to draw and paint, I painted all around. I started with the teachers of painting in art school.

From a childhood, I gave my personal exhibitions of paintings in many cities in my country and abroad, and help me in this, my mother. Many professionals and art lovers appreciate the artwork on my art exhibition; my works are in private collections in Europe, Asia and America. On one of my exhibitions have helped to me contact with famous professor and neurologist from Moscow Leonora Grinio, who was engaged in embryonic transplant of fetal tissue for people with neuromuscular diseases. The first time I got to her for treatment in 1999 at age 13, where I was made embryonic transplantation of fetal tissue using an injection under the skin. Treatment by Professor L.Grinio was a real miracle for me - I realized that I have a great chance on the way to a dream to be healthy.

I was treated by L.Grinio embryonic fetal cells from 1999 until 2003. In 2004, my professor Leonora Grinio introduced me to academician of the Russian Federation Gennady Suhih- Director of Institute Biological Medicine. And from 2004 to 2011 at the Moscow Institute of Biological Medicine I conducted transplantation of embryonic stem cells into muscle. After this treatment I got stronger muscles of the thighs, my weight began to increase, I do not get sick colds and viral diseases now never, I have always strong energy.

Thanks to this treatment in 2009 I graduated from the State University in my city, specialty Fine Arts, received Excellent diploma.
Another significant event in my life was to get acquainted with the great sculptor and artist Zurab Tsereteli - the first time in June 2003. Zurab personally invited me to their workshops on Tverskaya, the second time in 2008, I was invited to a master class in painting at the Zurab Tsereteli in Moscow on Prechistenka Street in his personal gallery.

I continue to enjoy life and now I have always a lot of inspiration and every day I paint artworks with new strength and believe in a good future.

In 2011 year I finished treatment of stem cells in Moscow, because my body has become stronger and my professor L.Grinio finished medical activities due to illness. At the time she told me about gene therapy - treatment which in the future will treat people with SMA and maybe even cure them completely. Then I did not know which country to seek this treatment, I had no contacts of doctors and clinics. But in 2014 year I saw an article on the internet about what to Nationwide Children's Hospital in Columbus, Ohio began the first phase of clinical trials of gene therapy for children with SMA type 1, which has so far been successful. I wrote message on the further conduct of gene therapy (Avexis) to Jill Jarecki - research director at Families of Spinal Muscular Atrophy (FSMA) and she said that within in three years is planning to conduct clinical trials of gene therapy for people with type 2 SMA.
In first half 2017 I wrote to neurologist John Kissel in Wexner Medical Center (Columbus, Ohio) about future planning participating in clinical trial of Gene Therapy (Avexis) and about me. He is promised that he would put my name and my contacts in the database to participate in these clinical trials in the future. It is was very happy news for me. I look forward and I hope that in the near future I will be able to be included on the clinical trials of gene therapy, because I believe in a miracle that the dream of my life has finally come true.

From October 2016 I got of medical examination and treatment every years in Italy clinic Nigrisoli (Bologna) at the Doctor M.Villanova.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Plans for treatment in Bologna

I did not write here for several days because I had a cold, I had fever and sore throat. But today I feel better and can write the results of my trip to Bologna and talk about plans for the future.

In the clinic I got a full medical examination, it showed that I was in good physical condition. I underwent nocturnal oximetry (measurement of oxygen in the lungs) and the result was very good, and also good spirometry and echocardiography. I got a recommendation on how to use the cough machine correctly and now I'm training the lungs with this device every day.

Now I will talk about future plans for treatment. Dr. Villanova said that I must arrive every year to the clinic Nigrisoli for medical examination, this is necessary to support my health and the state of my respiratory system. But for treatment in Bologna I need money for air tickets for there and back way for three people: for me, my mother and my grandmother, because they help me on the trip. I ask to help me again in this! I need 2000 € for buying air tickets for treatment in Bologna which is planned for spring next year. Please tell your friends about this and make a repost of this message.

Friday, May 12, 2017

I am visited in SMA clinic Nigrisoli

I am with Doc. Villanova in clinic Nigrisoli.

Yesterday I returned at home from my treatment. I was 10 days on treatment in clinic Nigrisoli in Bologna (Italy). Every day I had a medical examination. On the first day, I had an x-ray of the spine and echocardiography, on the second day I had night ossimetry (measurement of oxygen in the blood), on the third day I had a blood test and respiratory treatment using a cough machine. All the results of my survey are very good! I am very happy.

I am very happy that a wheelchair was made for me !!! This wheelchair is very comfortable for me and helps to pull my spine.
Thank you very much for Dr. Villanova and Signor Luciano Braconi for this help!!! And also I want say Many Thanks to «Fondazione "Aiutiamoli a Vivere", Luca Avogadro, Cristina Coli, Serena Braconi and ALL my italiano friends for help with my treatment and organization trip in Bologna.


Tuesday, March 14, 2017

I am awaiting response from doctor

Now I am awaiting response from doctor from Bologna to schedule date of my treatment at the clinic Nigrisoli. Maybe very soon I will know when I will go there again.

I very much ask you do not forget about me. I really need your donations, because so far I do not have means for buy tickets to Bologna.

My charity account:
VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

Information from:

Monday, February 13, 2017

My invitation to Italiano-Belarusian Forum

Hi, friends!

Today I want to show my preview of the events that happened to me over the past few months after my trip to Bologna. In early December 2016, I was informed of the Italian Foundation "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" that neurologist Dr. M.Villanova from clinic Nigrisoli gave me a cough machine, to train my breathing. Me and my mother were invited to the Italian-Belarusian Forum which was held in Minsk, at the hotel "Planet". I was very pleased and surprised by this event. The evening of December 8 of us came home chairman of the Italian Fund "Aiutiamoli a Vivere" Signor Luciano Braconi and together we left in a car in Minsk, I was with my mother and grandmother.

On the morning of 9 December, we were invited to the grand opening of the Belarusian-Italian Forum. At the end of the forum my mother was invited to the stage and the Director of the Foundation Fabrizio Pacifici gave me a cough machine, he said it was a gift from Dr. Villanova. My mother told to audience about me and my future treatment in Italy. I was very happy this event.

For two months, every day I use breathing apparatus system cough and I feel improvement.

Watch our video about it.

Text from:

Friday, January 20, 2017

News from my treatment in Bologna

Hi, friends!

A few days ago I was happy event, doctor-neurologist M.Villanova from Bologna gave me breathing apparatus non-invasive ventilation. It was gift of Dr. Villanova for New Year holidays. I improve my breath for several days. I am very happy.

This photo article about my trip to Bologna.

In the spring or summer, I must again go for treatment in Bologna, now doctor decides when it will be.

So I ask you to help me find a donation for my trip for medical treatment in clinic Nigrisoli to Bologna.

My charitable accounts:
VISA: 4246 4100 5470 2615

Text from my page:

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

My medical consultation in clinic Nigrisoli in Bologna

Hi, everyone! Long time I don't wrote here, because I was very busy. I have very much news. In October I was in Bologna (Italy), I had orthopedic consultation in clinic Rizzoli, for my future surgery scoliosis. But unfortunately I got refused from doctors because my lungs weakness and for me needed in first time treatment of my respiratory system.

On 28 October I was in clinic Nigrisoli. This is wandering clinic, in this clinic research problem of Spinal Muscular Atrophy. I got medical consultation from Doctor M.Villanova, he is told about problem with my respiratory system. He is did invitation me arrived to this clinic again for my medical examination and involved my respiratory system with help Noninvasive ventilation. And after this procedures perhaps I be able to will giving application to another orthopedic clinic for my surgery scoliosis.